Terms and Conditions

Welcome to Gungnirdarts!

This page explains our terms and conditions. When you use Gungnirdarts, you’re agreeing to all the rules on this page. Some of them need to be expressed in legal language, but we’ve done our best to offer you clear and simple explanations of what everything means.

By using this website (the “Site”) and services (together with the Site, the “Services”) offered by Gungnirdarts.com (together with our subsidiaries, affiliates, representatives, and directors – collectively “Gungnirdarts”, “we”, or “us”) you’re agreeing to these legally binding rules (the “Terms”). You’re also agreeing to our Privacy Policy, and agreeing to follow any other rules on the Site, like our Community Guidelines (included below).

We may change these terms from time to time. If we do, we’ll let you know about any significant or material changes, by notifying you on the Site. New versions of the terms will never apply retroactively – we’ll tell you the exact date they go into effect. If you continue using Gungnirdarts after a change, that means you accept the new terms.


Gungnirdarts strives to become a full-fledged online darts scoring website to help our users play and train darts in an enjoyable, interactive way.

As an open-source project with no monetary income, we rely on work by volunteers to keep the service up and improve it further. We always have a friendly ear for feedback and suggestions to improve your experience on our site, so don't hesitate to contact us.

About Creating an Account

To sign up for a Gungnirdarts account, you need to be 16 or over. If you’re under 16, you can only use Gungnirdarts only with parental-guardian supervision and consent. You’re responsible for your account and all the activity on it.

You can browse Gungnirdarts without registering for an account. But to use some of Gungnirdarts’s functions, you’ll need to register, choose a username, and set a password. When you do that, the information you give us has to be accurate and complete. Don’t impersonate anyone else or choose names that are offensive or that violate anyone’s rights. If you don’t follow these rules, we may cancel your account.

When these terms discuss “Users” or a “User”, we’ll be referring to both registered and unregistered users, unless it relates to features, information or data an unregistered User does not or cannot have access to.

Account termination

You can delete your account at any time. This will permanently erase your account and all data associated with it. However we may retain certain information as required by law or for our legitimate business purposes. Account termination can only be requested by contacting us at the moment.

Community Guidelines

Users have to use Gungnirdarts' Services with the best intentions to ensure the best possible experience for everyone. Gungnirdarts has the ultimate say to decide what behaviour is appropiate and reserves the right to ban or close User accounts without warning or the obligation to provide evidence that these guidelines have been breached.

The following list provides examples of what Users should certainly not do:

Cheating. Every online darts scoring service relies on trust. Games on Gungnirdarts against other human beings require every User to play honestly. Cheating includes entering wrong scores on purpose or not playing by the official rules.

Staging games and their results. Although not yet in use, Gungnirdarts might measure the Users' playing strength to improve the experience of the Services. Intentionally trading wins or losses to obfuscate your playing strength manipulates this system.

Bad sportsmanship. Be respectful to other players. Do not harass, insult, spam or waste someone's time on purpose.

Impersonation. Registered Users may choose a publicly displayed username. Don't impersonate others, we recommend you to use a recognizable pseudonym.

Publishing copyrighted material. Registered users can share their own content publicly and are responsible for everything related to these actions. It is illegal to share content you didn't create by yourself or you don't have the permission or right to share for.

Abuse Gungirdarts' infrastructure. Running the Services costs money, so we need to scale with care. By putting unreasonable loads on our servers you might impair other Users' experience on our site. We reserve the right to determine what is reasonable.

Breaking into accounts or our servers. To protect us and our Users, we will report any illegal activity to authorities. You can help improving our security by reporting security issues that you encounter to us.

This list is non-exhaustive and just provides a few examples that we consider important for a peaceful community. We reserve the rights to decide what violates our guidelines and decide about appropriate penalization.


Our privacy policy describes how we handle the information you provide to us when you use our services. You understand that through your use of the Services you consent to the collection and use (as set forth in the Privacy Policy) of this information. Gungirdarts follows the European Union and German data protection laws and applies these to all users worldwide.


Gungnirdarts respects the intellectual property rights of others and expects Users of the Services to do the same. Gungnirdarts reserves the right to remove content alleged to be infringing without prior notice at our sole discretion and without liability to you. We will respond to notices of alleged copyright infringement that comply with applicable law and are properly provided to us.

If you believe your content has been copied in a way that constitutes copyright infringement or your intellectual property rights have been otherwise violated, please alert us by contacting us at support@gungnirdarts.com.

You retain your rights to any content you submit, post or display on or through the services. By submitting, posting or displaying content on or through our services, you grant us a global, non-exclusive, royalty-free license - with the right to sublicense - to use, copy, reproduce, process, adapt, modify, publish, transmit, display and distribute such content in any and all media or distribution channels.

Our rights

To operate, we need to be able to maintain control over what happens on our website. We reserve the right to make decisions to protect the health and integrity of our system. We don’t take these powers lightly, and we only use them when we absolutely have to.

We can make changes to the Gungirdarts Site and Services without notice or liability for any loss, damage or harm that might result from these changes.

We have the right to decide who’s eligible to use Gungnirdarts. We can cancel accounts or decline to offer our Services. We can change our eligibility criteria at any time.

We are not responsible for any loss, damage or harm caused by downtimes or disfunctions of our Site or Services.

Limitation of Liability

Our Services are provided to you “as is” and “as available” and without warranty of any kind, express or implied.

We are not responsible for any harm, damage or loss caused by errors in or availability of our Services. We cannot be held responsible for any loss caused by third party sources.

No advice or information (oral or written) obtained by you from Gungnirdarts entities or through Gungnirdarts services shall create any warranty.


Gungnirdarts is based in The Netherlands, so you agree to accept the law and jurisdiction of The Netherlands by using our services.

We encourage you to contact us if you have any dispute with us, so we can resolve the dispute out of court.

In the event any provision of these Terms is held to be invalid or unenforceable, such provision will be severed from the remainder of these Terms, and such remainder will remain in force and effect.